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Sound health is a prerequisite for a productive life. With this guiding principle, Nandigram has initiated a comprehensive array of social services centered on providing healthcare facilities. The heart of Nandigram's medical services is an outpatient clinic that serves over 100 villages within a 50-mile radius. This clinic operates a Daily General OPD, catering to about 70 to 80 patients each day, ensuring that the general health needs of the community are consistently met. In addition, specialized clinics are conducted fortnightly to address more specific health concerns. These services highlight Nandigram's dedication to tackling both physical and mental health issues.

ન ચાહું રાજ્ય કે સ્વર્ગ ન ચાહું મુક્તિ પામવા
ચાહું દુઃખતપ્ત જીવોના દુઃખનો અંત આણવા

રંતિ દેવ

Comprehensive Outreach and Support: Nandigram's Multifaceted Healthcare Initiatives

Through these comprehensive and multifaceted healthcare initiatives, Nandigram exemplifies a profound commitment to improving the overall health and well-being of its community, ensuring that sound health remains the foundation for a productive and fulfilling life.

Specialized Clinics

OPD for TB, psychiatry, dermatology, diabetes, hypertension. General OPD for 70-80 patients daily.

Homeopathy & Ayurveda

Alternative medicines with diverse healthcare with traditional practices.

Mobile Healthcare

Bringing essential services for special needs

Educating for Wellness

Outreach for basic health, hygiene and healthy habits.

specialized clinics are conducted fortnightly to address more specific health concerns. These include monthly OPD catering to patients of T.B. diabetes and high blood preasure and a fortnightly OPD for psychiatry and dermatology, each attracting an attendance of 60 to 80 patients every session. These services highlight Nandigram's dedication to tackling both physical and mental health issues.

Nandigram also embraces alternative medicine, offering treatments in Ayurveda and Homeopathy. This holistic approach provides patients with diverse options for their healthcare needs, integrating traditional practices with modern medical services.

Beyond the outpatient clinic, Nandigram extends its healthcare reach through various other initiatives. Mobile clinics travel to various villages in the vicinity, bringing essential medical services directly to those who may not have easy access to the central clinic. Additionally, medical camps are organized in remote tribal villages of Dharampur and Kaprada Talukas, ensuring that even the most underserved populations receive necessary medical attention. This also includes subsequent follow ups.

Educational outreach programs play a crucial role in promoting long-term health and wellness. These programs teach the basics of good health and hygiene in schools, instilling healthy habits from a young age and fostering a community-wide culture of well-being. Furthermore, Nandigram provides economic and administrative assistance to patients requiring hospitalization for major illnesses, surgeries, or snake bites. This support ensures that financial constraints do not prevent individuals from receiving the critical care they need.